Music in Movies: How Bollywood and Hollywood Use Songs to Tell Stories

Music in Movies: How Bollywood and Hollywood Use Songs to Tell Stories

Music has always played a key role in movies. Both Bollywood and Hollywood use songs to help tell stories. However, they do this in different ways. Bollywood uses songs to show feelings and make the story bigger. Hollywood uses music to set the mood and guide how viewers feel. Let us see how each industry uses music to tell stories in movies.

Bollywood: Songs That Speak

In Bollywood, songs are a big part of the movie. They are often used to show how characters feel. If two people are in love, there might be a happy and colourful song to show their joy. If a character is sad, a slow and touching song can express their feelings. The songs are not just background music; they are part of the story.

Bollywood movies also use songs to bring fun and excitement. Many films have big song and dance scenes. These scenes often include many dancers, bright outfits, and lively music. They make the movie more enjoyable and give viewers a break from the main story. Even in serious movies, a song can add a light moment. 

Songs in Bollywood movies also help to make the film longer. They add depth to the characters and show things that might be hard to say in words. For example, in a song, a character can sing about their hopes, dreams, or fears. This helps the audience understand the character better.

Hollywood: Music That Sets the Mood

In Hollywood, songs are usually used in a different way. Instead of big song and dance numbers, Hollywood films use music to set the mood. The right song can make a scene more powerful. For example, a soft piano piece can make a sad moment feel even sadder. A fast, upbeat song can make an action scene feel more exciting.

Sometimes, Hollywood movies use songs to help tell the story, but they do this in a less direct way than Bollywood. For example, a movie might use a song that was popular in the time period the film is set in. This helps to place the story in a certain time and gives viewers a sense of the world the characters live in.

Music is also used to show a character’s journey. For example, a movie might start with a sad song when a character is facing hard times. Later, as things get better, the music might change to a happier tune. This helps the audience follow the character’s story.

Both Bollywood and Hollywood have used music to make casino scenes more exciting. In these scenes, music often plays in the background to build tension. The upbeat and fast-paced music makes viewers feel the excitement and risk of the games. In Bollywood, a casino scene might even include a full song and dance sequence to make the scene lively and fun. In Hollywood, the music is often used to show the thrill and danger of the casino world.

Different Paths, Same Goal

Even though Bollywood and Hollywood use songs differently, both industries use music to tell their stories. Bollywood uses songs as a key part of the story, showing feelings and adding fun. Hollywood uses music to set the mood and guide how the audience feels. In both cases, music helps to make movies more enjoyable and keeps viewers hooked to the story.

Music in movies is like a bridge between the characters and the audience. Whether it’s a joyful dance number in Bollywood or a soft background score in Hollywood, songs and music help bring the story to life.

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